Offbeat Destinations Would Rise In Popularity

May 22, 2020

Offbeat Destinations Would Rise In Popularity

We examine how travelers are reducing the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak in this ongoing series. Governments and businesses are compelled to come up with the best survival plans as Covid-19 rages throughout the globe like an untamed beast, killing countless lives and uprooting livelihoods. The travel industry took the full burden of this epidemic since staying put wherever one is and limiting one's exposure to this terrible illness is the most obvious protection anyone can take right now.

Offbeat Destinations Would Rise In Popularity

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), this year's global revenue could decrease by 20%, or between $63 billion and $113 billion. Without a doubt, it will be extremely difficult and time-consuming for travel businesses to recover after the epidemic, particularly for startups trying to bootstrap their way out of this catastrophe. As travelers gravitate towards safer options, unusual locations may become the new trend. Until the situation is stabilized, our advice to all travelers is to stay safe, stay at home, and travel later. In these trying times, we send our best wishes your way!